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Incognito – Less Mosquito 100% natural insect spray protection

100% Natural and clinically proven to protect against Malaria Incognito is a revolutionary new way of protecting you from ALL biting and stinging insects, including all 3000 species of mosquito, 33 of these live in the UK! Paraben free Clinically tested to last for up to 7 hours Deet and Picardin Free Formula GMO & detergent free Contains plant-based PMD Contains Citrepel 75 PMD which is a more concentrated version of PMD than Citriodiol. Not tested on animals Vegan society registered. Incognito is a powerful mosquito protection spray. It is a non-greasy formulation and 100% natural. Surprisingly, it also has a fresh pleasant smell. Most of the ingredients have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples of Asia to protect themselves from insects and the diseases they carry. PMD is NHS, WHO and Public Health England approved, and recommended for high-risk areas to protect against mosquito-borne diseases. It works by camouflaging the wearer rather than repelling. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman used it in Africa. Charley said, ‘we used incognito on Long Way Down and it was fantastic. It worked really, really well against the mosquitoes and does everything it says on the bottle.’ Incognito contains the maximum amount of the best quality organic citronella, along with eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree, melaleca and alternifolia – blended in a special way with alcohol. Our citronella (cymbopogan winterianus) is only available from one tiny island in the whole world and is the most effective you can get because unlike the ordinary type (c. nardus) the mosquito populations are not used to this most elusive of citronellas. All of these premium ingredients combined actually make you ‘invisible’ to most small things that bite™! How come? Simply put, the insects that need to feed off us cannot sense our kairomones so they literally fly-by! What are kairomones? Just as humans are attracted to each other’s pheromones, insects are attracted to their hosts by kairomones – the kairomone mosquitoes are particularly partial to is carbon dioxide. Others include lactic and carboxylic acids. All these kairomones are eliminated by the body in proportion to the rate of metabolism. Therefore the more active, the more attractive a meal you are! Kairomones can be detected by the female mosquito up to one kilometer away! Mosquitoes sense these chemicals in a variety of ways, one way being the hairs on its antennae. One recent research project shows another way that these insects smell us: through a nose located in its mouth! Incognito Less Mosquito 100% natural insect spray works by masking these kairomones, thus cloaking or camouflaging and protecting us like an invisibility cloak! Incognito also gives a second level of protection if an insect accidentally comes into contact with you through the ingredient camphor. Mosquitoes have poor eyesight, but excellent light sensitivity, so are able to differentiate easily between light and dark, which partly explains why they usually prefer paler skin tones. Although the whole process as to why some people get ‘eaten alive’ while others escape unscathed is not yet fully understood. Interesting research in the last few years has emerged that some people who don’t get attacked from mosquitoes have an in-built set of odours in their sweat, that when exuded from their bodies counteracts their kairomones. What is really happening is that these people produce chemicals that mask the attractive odours [kairomones]. It is believed that these people manufacture their own chemicals that mask their kairomones. We believe that some of these masking chemicals are very similar to the ingredients found in incognito.